Part 2 bitches
damn this bg's ugly
In order to properly go back, use the back button if you have one, I'm trying to use the least amount of properties as I can for this.
The only boundaries I have with my OCs are that YOU MUST NOT use them within hateful/bigoted/FETISH especially/Unofficial merch/drama-related art.
All OCs here belong to me, or are intrepretations of official characters.


Like the moon at night, she shines and glistens above all with her vivacious passion, but keeps herself elegantly cool with intelligence and her acute observation. A glistening firecracker for sure… But could she ever glisten like the moon truly?

Fuchsia in reality is cheerful and has a sharp tone, but suffers from lack of
self-confidence due to familial problems.
In the future however, she could be
much more than what she was.
She is currently 21 years old.
She tends to have a romantic
and sexual attraction to men.

Female, Cis.
Human, African-Japanese, but takes after her Japanese mother a bit more. Not much I can say, is there?
Online fashion designer and assistant to the head attorney at the Indigo Law Firm.
171 cm, 5''6 for the Americans.
Pretty light!
English and Japanese, learned simultaneously from both her mother and father.
Fashion, fashion design, art (She loved to grab magazines and trace over them as a child, and now mostly focuses on gesture drawings and fashion concepts in her sketchpad) Fantasy clothing, (She likes to imagine herself as a knight in shining armor!) Romance comics,(preferably ones without creepy age-gaps and other problematic things) Spicy foods, and more.
Exclusion (in general, and in social situations), people without social etiquette, Narcissists, Fast Fashion, (Overconsumption kinda fucking stupid ngl) Loneliness, Overly sweet foods, and more.
May 9th. She’s younger than her sister by 10 months.
Fuchsia Runa Mizzta was born to her mother and father, and had her older sister Aubrey City Mizzta. Fuchsia’s family differed from many, but overall was a family of artists. (Her father in particular, although not famous, is a traditional painter.) However, although her parents never claimed it, they did show favoritism to Aubrey for both educational reasons, and spoiler reasons. Fuchsia never hated her sister, she even tried to bridge the gap between them, but due to their differing environment, the two would grow distant from each other. As a result, Fuchsia became a rather shy child who didn’t have many friends during her younger years, until she had met her childhood best friend, Dantetedate Rainstone, who in contrast, was a deeply sociable young boy. Over the years, he would help Fuchsia become more sociable herself and make more friends. As she would grow, she’d develop a love for fashion, and soon wish to become a fashion designer herself. Perhaps one day, she could.

i love her


Cheerful, Outgoing, Young, Vibrant, and Powerful— all of these adjectives have been used by both the press and the public to describe him. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is not afraid to
show it, and is never afraid to speak his mind.

He has as much fans as he does naysayers— due to his highly dramatic nature, harassment of attorneys, and utterly cruel way of pounding the opponent down into a purple pulp, he’s often misunderstood.

I wonder if the face he shows is genuine.
He is currently 21 years old.
Single! Though he often pines for
rather than the opposite gender. Some say that he may have a type (He’s often seen with men with blue/cyan hair) some say that he doesn’t (they claim he actually does pine for the opposite gender occasionally, since he’s been seen with a particular fashionable woman with brown hair.), but ultimately, he seems to prefer men.
Male and Cis.
No one knows. Some say he’s some sort of mutated humanoid, while some say that he is something different altogether. Many however warn of the electricity prone to jolt across his body when he is enraged.
Powerful Prosecutor that beats attorneys for breakfast. He seems to be freelance.
183 cm, around 6'' for the Americans.
Pretty heavy, especially with all that muscle.
He can speak English and Spanish (particularly Mexican Spanish). He learnt Spanish through a language elective that he followed through with fully within education.
Boyfriend, Burgers, Takoyaki, Working out at the gym, Thunder (Used to love it, but due to Boyfriend’s astraphobia, he only likes it somewhat), Chess, and Yakisoba. Wanna know his workout routine?...Idk it.
Gloomy things, Drugs, Exploding (Hates more than anything… and yet teases it whenever a lawyer pisses him off), Hurting People, Alcohol, Fires, Illogical Thinking… Weirdly vague here.
June 21st. Summer Solstice!
Gladwyn Griffin was born in a small hospital, but was kidnapped by a mystery group of scientists to be experimented on. The experiments were mentally arduous and physically tortuous, but ultimately yielded results.
However, the fruits of the unethical scientific labor were unsatisfactory, leading to Gladwyn to be displaced, dismissed, and on the streets, where he was briefly adopted.
However, he was heavily emotionally neglected, only ever cared for via food and occasional bathing.
The lack of supervision led Gladwyn to sneak out of the ‘house’, and explore the dirty sleeves of the city, where he witnessed many atrocities and crimes.
While witnessing one particular crime about to be committed, Gladwyn was suddenly blindfolded and silenced, and Gladwyn finds that the crime had been resolved by a middle-aged man that claimed to be a pyrotechnician.

The pyrotechnician would fill in some gaps for Gladwyn that his adoptive parent couldn’t occasionally, such as hygiene, socializing, and basic education.
However, the parent would soon find Gladwyn during his detours, and fiercely chastise him for leaving the house. Normally Gladwyn would return home without being noticed.

Later on, Gladwyn would attempt to escape from his adoptive parent by fleeing into the woods through a back-alley. When entering, he encounters Effy, and the two immediately hit it off. Day after day, the two would play and frolic in the woods, eventually leading up to Gladwyn meeting Effy’s family and various friends at the time, and being taught more than what his adoptive parent ever could.

Soon, this parent would be found out and arrested for reasons unrelated to Gladwyn’s abuse.

Gladwyn would then be adopted by the prosecutors who arrested the parent, and gave him the last name Griffin. However, never had a strong relationship with his parents due to their emotional neglect.
Gladwyn would meet Bernard and other people around middle school, and generally become extroverted. During this time, he also developed an interest in acting and joined his middle and high school drama club and class. Gladwyn would also receive his golden hoops during the last year of junior high from Effy.
The bond between Effy, Bernard, and Glawyn would last up until the last day of high school, where an incident occurred, causing the three to instantly distance themselves from each other and pursue different lives.

Gladwyn would move across the country and study to become a prosecutor (as recommended by Effy long ago). After graduating, he’d take on many cases and become a famous (but not without controversies) prosecutor with a ruthless reputation. He would soon return to his homeland and reunite with Effy, and reluctantly reunite with Bernard as the two face off in court.

don't call it a comeback I been here for years


Normally seen as snarky, frigid, and overbearing by prosecutors who’ve faced off against him, he’s
known as *“The Impenetrable Indigo Wall”, or “The Blue Wall” for how heavy he lays his evidence and reasoning against his opponents.

However, outside of court, he is almost
notorious for how socially inept he is, and how oddly kind he is, especially when he doesn’t realize it.

He does not have any trouble communicating, but it’s well-known that he can
get flustered easily if messed with right.

… He’s just a socially awkward and
nervous robot who wants to make friends and
help said friends if he can.
Please be nice to him.

He is currently 23 years old,
He’s shown to have preference of genders and sexes equally in sexual terms, but has shown little interest in romance. Though there are cases, it isn’t common for him, and the only serious romantic attraction he had was once. The others were only him being interested in the other person.
A bit of an odd cyborg. His body is human but has a television head, that would never work in real life, but despite all odds, it’s there. His body also contains many machinations and things considered robotic. I’m scared stiff just thinking of what his x-ray may look like…
An attorney at law and the current head to the Indigo Law Firm. He's actually pretty rich.
233 centimeters, around 7''8 for the Americans. He was originally 8''2 but the height diffs between characters was a bit uncanny.
Generally heavy, he has a bit of muscle within his lean body.
Speaks English, but uses a translator for other languages.
He has a preference of SUSHI (Temaki, Nigiri preferred), Cold Foods, (When he’s warm), Boyfriend, Fuchsia, Kyuunolo, Technological Science (why wouldn't he be), Light Novels (that make you cry), Sleeping, Working Out, Orchestra
He dislikes GLADWYN, Sports, His tubes being taken out, Being cold, 'Childish’ Things (he considers Christmas to be childish, and that’s it. And he still celebrates it. With no shame. There are more things but it’s complicated)
December 31st/January 1st. Born exactly between 11:00 and 12:00 AM. The exact date and time his birthday is celebrated varies every year.
Bernard was born as a “failed childbirth” on the edge of death. The head doctor, Reno von D’acquisto, who had sustained Bernard’s life as much as possible while soon reviving him with a healthy, but somewhat tainted body using his “black magic”. He was soon disregarded by his family due to his corrupted appearance, thus leading to him being taken in by Reno. He was given Reno’s last name, and the first name “Bernard”. According to Bernard, Reno and his brother Rino, raised Bernard healthily. However, Bernard struggled socially due to his social ineptitude and his crippling anxiety at the time. However, Boyfriend soon approaches him, with hopes of being friends. This helps Bernard within his journey of opening up more, meeting and making more friends, such as Gladwyn Griffin. However, a falling out would occur soon after high school for them all ended, resulting in the three splitting up, refusing to communicate with one another, the only exception being Boyfriend, who the two would communicate with solely. Bernard was inspired by his uncle to pursue the profession of a lawyer, and went to a law school in order to pass the bar exam. There, he meets Kyuunolo Nimbus, whom he considered at first a major nuisance to the school and himself, Kyuunolo Nimbus agreeing with this sentiment. Later on, as they would study together, they became used to each other, soon becoming friends despite their bitter beginnings. They soon graduated, Kyuunolo stating that he would return to Germany. Later on, Bernard and his old friends would soon meet again. How dramatic.

I've had this guy for 3 yrs now


A harsh young man toned and perfected in the disciplined life of a detective… From afar, many read him as a soldier gentleman with straightforward and honest
commands of his piers, whom he governs with utmost criticism and strict orders.
He may also be read as a stuck-up adult who has not had his ego kicked in the

When in reality, he’s a rather docile and stubborn man who simply wishes for the best of his colleagues and for those
around him.
He’s stubborn and rough up-front, and that is simply his
character. However, there are some
flaws to him, such as his anger scaring many of his potential friendships away, and him having trouble with his feelings and expressing them.
He is 25 years old.
Single, He has attraction towards women and is not repulsed towards romance or intimacy (in fact he likes it a lot), he just does not prioritize it. He only wishes that they understand him and they do not shun him. Same thing with very specific men. (He very rarely has sexual/romantic attraction to men)
Male & Cis.
His species is that of a Terra Nubes, essentially a cloud humanoid species that originates from their quadrupedal ancestors who once ruled the sky. Due to evolution, they’ve become more docile creatures. Many associate the ancient Terra Nubes with dragons.
A Forensics Investigator and Detective/Homicide Investigator at the Special Homicidal Investigations Bureau. He’s treated as the head honcho, and has many admirers… He tends to whip them into shape quick, though.
205.74 centimeters, exactly 6’’9, which is the average height for his species.
Heavy due to muscle mass. He runs faster than anyone here though.
A Bilingual, he learned English and German at the same time.
Forensics, Investigation (gives him that detective high), Lobster (LOVES it), Close contact (with consent & with friends) [hugging, etc.] (but not when he has his alone time), Strategy Games, Card Games, Contemporary Literature. He also works out, but he doesn’t have a public social media.
Being alone (emotionally) incompetence (within his workforce; you’re an officer, shape up or get terminated.), Laziness/Dispassion (if he makes an effort to text you a full happy birthday, you MUSTN’T simply text him HBD. Happy Bday? Sure, but that’s on thin ice.) Perfection, Terrorism, Gangs, and… Soda. Carbonation makes his hair go wild, and the taste is that of lazily distilled liquid to him.
January 2nd, his hometown is the cloudiest this day.
Born to his detective of a mother Luft Nimbus, and his twin brothers Aldokyu and Sratokyu. They were raised by their mother's assistant, (who he cannot remember ATM) and occasionally the women from the cafe that they'd visit from time to time. Due to her business, Luft never had time to truly raise her children.
Kyuunolo and his brothers also faced prejudice from the other children within their hometown due to the physical differences between them. Kyuunolo would ignore them, as a result, never had much friends, or any at all.
Several months after turning nine, Kyuunolo had to escape his hometown due to a terrorist attack. He'd travel weeks on end with only some food and a notebook, before passing out and being founded by an orphanage caretaker.
The caretaker would enforce the idea of fighting those that though he was strange, and caused Kyuunolo to become a pariah within the orphanage and the community.
Later on, after turning 11,he would be adopted by a familiar face, and would be trained to become a detective.
Due to his precociousness, he learned quickly, and even assisted in many crime scenes as young as 13.
During his teenage years, he would be assisted by a young friend (who cannot remember) within emotional development and becoming less violent.
Later on, he would soon be recommended to travel to the country FNT takes place in for education, and there, he would meet Bernard at law school.
The two had an incredibly rocky relationship, but slowly and surely the two got along.
After graduating, the two would promise to meet each other one day again, and Kyuunolo would claim to return to Germany permanently...
Only to show up as the detective working on the same case as Bernard was one year later.

cloudy dude